Handling Missing Controlled Substances

Controlled Substances Log

Handling Missing Controlled Substances in Independent Pharmacies

As an independent pharmacy owner, encountering a situation where a controlled substance goes missing can be daunting. Controlled substances, particularly those classified as Schedule II drugs (C2), require stringent management and oversight due to their high potential for abuse and dependence. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the procedures to follow if you find yourself in this predicament.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Conduct a Thorough Search: Before jumping to conclusions, ensure a meticulous search is conducted. This includes checking all areas where the substance could have been misplaced, such as shelves, drawers, and bins. Sometimes, errors in stocking or misplacement can lead to such situations.

  2. Review Inventory Records: Double-check your inventory records and logs. Discrepancies can sometimes arise from clerical errors during inventory management or data entry. With C2 Log, you can access your inventory logs from anywhere, making it easier to cross-check and identify any discrepancies. Join the waitlist to get early access.

  3. Audit Recent Transactions: Examine recent prescriptions filled that involved the missing controlled substance. This can help identify if there was an accidental over-dispensing or a documentation error.

Reporting and Documentation

  1. Notify the Pharmacy Manager or PIC: The Pharmacy-in-Charge (PIC) or the manager should be informed immediately. They will oversee the subsequent steps and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

  2. File a DEA Form 106: The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) requires the filing of Form 106 in cases of theft or significant loss of controlled substances. This form documents the circumstances of the loss and the quantity and type of drug lost.

  3. Local Law Enforcement: Depending on the situation and the pharmacy’s policy, it may be necessary to inform local law enforcement, especially if theft is suspected.

Internal Investigation

  1. Review Surveillance Footage: If available, check the surveillance footage to identify any unusual activity or discrepancies that coincide with the loss.

  2. Interview Staff: Talk to the staff members who had access to the controlled substances. Understanding their actions and observations can provide insights into what might have happened.

  3. Assess Internal Controls: Evaluate your pharmacy’s internal controls and procedures related to controlled substances. This can help identify any weaknesses in the system that need to be addressed.

Preventive Measures

  1. Regular Audits: Conduct regular and surprise audits of controlled substances. This helps in early detection of any discrepancies. A system like C2 Log can help with auditing. Join the waitlist to get early access.

  2. Staff Training: Ensure all staff members are adequately trained in handling and documenting controlled substances. Emphasize the importance of accuracy and vigilance.

  3. Enhance Security Measures: Consider upgrading security measures, such as better surveillance systems, secure storage for controlled substances, and strict access controls.

  4. Maintain Accurate Records: Keep meticulous records of all controlled substances received, dispensed, wasted, or returned. Accurate record-keeping is crucial for compliance and for tracking any anomalies.

Take Action

Dealing with a missing controlled substance is a serious matter that requires prompt and careful handling. By following these procedures, independent pharmacy owners can ensure they comply with legal requirements, maintain the integrity of their practice, and protect their patients and community.

Remember, prevention is key, and having robust system like C2 Log can significantly reduce the risk of such occurrences. Join the waitlist for early access to C2 Log and revolutionize the way you manage controlled substances.